Bulgarian agricultural land property for investment in Bulgaria (Veliko Tarnovo area)
overseas property Bulgaria. Земеделска земя за инвестиция в България (Търговище / Велико Търново), Сельскохозяйственная земля для инвестиций в Болгарии (Търговище / Велико Тырново) България недвижими имоти . Болгария недвижимость. bulgarische Ackerland, landwirtschaftliche Flächen in Bulgarien
Land for sale for 190 Euros per 1000 kvm/sqm
At present we have around 200 decares (200.000 kvm or 20 hectare) of cheap agricultural land for sale for the low prize of 190 euros per 1000 kvm (800 euros per acre or 1900 euros per hectare). Negotiable!
The land is in an area by Antonovo, Targovishte, a 2 hours drive from Varna and close to Veliko Tarnovo. The area is beautiful with green hills, meadows and several small streams. Electricity and water supply is close to the land, as the land surrounds a small peaceful village. Smaller plots can be purchased.
Perfect as a great medium to long-term investment. The land is suitable for farming, building farmhouses, vineyards, fruit cultivation, eco tourism or wind energy and photovoltaic energy projects in Bulgaria. It is now also possibly to receive EU agricultural subsidies for land in Bulgaria.

Investment in agricultural land in Bulgaria is one of the safest and potentially lucrative investments in the current market, as the prices in Bulgaria is around 1/6th to 1/10th of the prices for quality agricultural land in northern europe. With the current explosion in the prizes of crops around the world, as demand exceeds supply for crops such as wheat, rye and maize, then Bulgarian farmland is a safe bet, especially as Bulgaria entry in the EU will result in possible farm subsidies from EU in the years ahead. Moreover, the quality of the soil in Bulgaria is at the very high end.
Expect the long-term prize of Bulgarian farmland to approach the prize of land across the EU.
Examples of farmland prices in Europe, where prices are also rising fast:
Denmark: 21000 euros per hectare
UK: 18000 euros per hectare
Ireland: 20000 euros per hectare
Belgium: 19000 euros per hectare
Holland: 30000 euros per hectare
Germany: 19000 euros per hectare
Even Serbia, a non-EU country: 8000 euros per hectare.
We offer good quality farmland in Bulgaria from 1900 euros per hectare.
Thats 190 euros per 1000 kvm/decare. So, for little more than the price of an old car you can own large plots of land. Furthermore, with the help of a good lawyer, you can often change the status of agricultural land into building land, thereby increasing the value of the land significantly. In any case, as a landowner, you have the right to build a small structure/building on your land or to build a horse training facility, a golf training facility or whatever your heart desires.
The expected fast appreciation of agricultural land in Bulgaria and its gradual convergence to EU average levels will be propelled by several factors connected with the country's entry into the EU and developments on the international markets for agricultural commodities in general, driven by fast economic growth in China and India, high energy prices and economic impact of global warming. These factors will greatly impact the agricultural sector by improving its efficency and profitability.
The EU will benefit Bulgarian agricultural sector in several direct ways:
- Access to a highly protected market for agricultural products (Fortress Europe);
- Signifficant agricultural subsidies in the form of EU direct payments plus top-up national direct payments- 2007 total: EUR 450 million or a total of EUR 10 per Decare.
- Improved competitiveness on international markets through additional export subsidies;
- Tax-breaks and tax-incentives for production of biofuel crops and wind farm construction;
- Preferential terms for financing, leasing and mortgaging of assets;
- Inflow of foreign capital and know-how.
The global factors aiding agricultural business in general can be summed up under the following points:
- Beginning of a sharp, long and secular rise in prices of soft commodities, driven by
- Strong demand from China & India,where rising living standards lead to higher meat and hence cereal consumption;
- Dwindling global grain reserves
- Risng demand for production of bio-fuels (ethanol, bio-diesel etc)
- Reduced land availability, as global population growth and continued urbanisation have dramatically cut the agricultural land available per head;
- Global warming reduces crop yields, but also has kickstarted a variety of alternative energy industries (wind farms, bio-fuels, solar pannels) which use and bid up agricultural land;
Article on farmland prices in the EU:
European farmland hits record prices
By Andrew Bounds in Brussels
Published: April 23 2008 18:34 | Last updated: April 24 2008 08:23
With prices of commercial and residential property falling, investors are increasingly turning to a more traditional asset: farmland. Long seen as a declining industry, farming has received a fillip in the last few months as global demand for food has increased. As a result, the cost of agricultural holdings across the European Union has risen to record levels.
In response several funds have recently been set up to buy farmland. In particular the UK, where prices have risen 40 per cent over the last year, has been active. Braemar, a fund manager, is one example. The Manchester-based group has been swamped with offers since it launched a fund this year.
“We closed the fund in two weeks but we are going to reopen it,” said Marc Duschenes, chief executive. He would not reveal how much had been raised from wealthy individuals but said the fund would buy its first 200 acres soon. The land will be run by contract farmers so there could be revenue as well as capital gains.
While Braemar faced stiff opposition from farmers looking to expand, he said many were also looking to cash out after 20 years of flat land prices. Braemar has also opened an offshore open-ended investment fund in Guernsey. “We have everyone from pensioners looking to avoid inheritance tax to stockbrokers looking for a secure investment,” he said.
Subsidy support
Germany joined forces with France on Wednesday in support of maintaining subsidies to farmers after 2013, when a new EU budget regime begins.
“Of course we could reduce direct payments to farmers if their incomes improved and the price situation allowed, but we shouldn’t scrap the payments as some, such as the UK, suggest,” said Gerd Lindemann, state secretary at the agriculture ministry in Berlin.
Andrew Shirley, head of rural research at Knight Frank, a property company that is establishing its own agricultural investment fund, said land prices were rising across Europe.
“It is not only UK land values that are increasing sharply, the global commodities boom means investment funds are looking further afield for cheap land and this is helping to drive prices up, particularly in eastern Europe and the former Soviet bloc where there are vast tracts of underutilised and potentially very productive land,” he said.
In Poland the US embassy reports that average prices rose 60 per cent between 2003 and 2006.
Even Serbia, another non-EU country, has seen a steep increase. Real estate analysts estimate arable land prices this year in Serbia’s agriculturally rich northern region, Vojvodina, at roughly €7,000-€8,000 per hectare this year, up sharply from €5,000 last year.
Foreigners cannot buy land in Poland until 2016, while other countries have also slapped on shorter bans to prevent outsiders cashing in. However, it is simple for investors to set up a local company to bypass the rules.
Countries with sales restrictions, such as France, are cheapest. Land is about €6,000 a hectare there because it must be offered first to young local farmers. However, land prices are still 50 per cent up on 2003.
Farmers say that stricter environmental rules are also causing higher prices. “You need more land to produce the same amount,” said Peter Gemaelke, head of the Danish farmers’ union. He said a recent reduction in the amount of nitrogen that could be used per hectare had lowered yields.
However, as investors eye the prospect of harvesting good returns, some observers caution against too much euphoria. “Until there is greater clarity about the depth of the problems facing the economy, one must add a note of caution,” said Mark McAndrew from Strutt & Parker, a UK-based property agency.
В момента имаме около 200 дка (200000 кв.м или 20 хектара) на земеделска земя в България за продажба.
Цената е 190 евро за 1000 кв.м (800 евро на хектар или 190 евро на хектар). По договаряне.
Този български земи се намират в района на Антоново, Търговище, което е 2 часа път с кола от Варна и в близост до Велико Търново. Районът е красив със зелени хълмове, ливади и няколко малки реки. Ток и вода са близо, тъй като парцели са в близост до тихо селце.
Малки парцели могат да бъдат придобити. Те са перфектни за еко-туризма, или земеделско ползване или като добра дългосрочна инвестиция в българските земи.
Инвестициите в земеделска земя в България е един от най-безопасният и най-доходоносните инвестиции в текущия пазар, тъй като цените в България са около 1/6th или 1 / 10 на цените, за качеството на земеделските земи в Северна Европа. Със сегашната цена експлозия на култури като пшеница, ръж и царевица, а след това на България земеделска земя е сигурна инвестиция, особено като България в ЕС ще доведе до селскостопански субсидии от ЕС през следващите години. Нещо повече, качеството на земята в България е много високо.
Моля, свържете ме с някакви въпроси OKISEN@YAHOO. COM.
На данный момент у нас есть 200 декаров (200000 кв.м, или 20 тыс. га) сельскохозяйственных земель в Болгарии для продажи.
Стоимость составляет 190 евро на 1000 кв.м (800 евро на гектар или 190 евро за гектар). Договорная.
Это болгарских земель находится в зоне Antonovo, Тырговиште, который в 2 часах езды от Варны и в непосредственной близости от Велико Тырново. Этот район с красивым зеленые холмы, луга и несколько небольших рек. Электричество и водоснабжение близки, потому что земля вблизи тихой деревне.
Мелкие земельные участки могут быть приобретены. Они идеально подходят для эко-туризма, или сельскохозяйственного использования, или в качестве хорошей долгосрочной перспективе инвестиции в болгарские земли.
Инвестиции в сельскохозяйственные земли в Болгарии является одним из самых безопасных и наиболее прибыльные инвестиции в текущей рыночной, потому что цены в Болгарии около 1/6th или 1 / 10 от цены за качество сельскохозяйственных земель в Северной Европе. При нынешней цене взрыв культур, таких как пшеница, рожь и кукурузу, а затем Болгария сельскохозяйственных земель является безопасным инвестиций, особенно в Болгарии в ЕС приведет к сельскохозяйственных субсидий со стороны ЕС в ближайшие годы. Кроме того, качество земли в Болгарии весьма высок.
Пожалуйста, свяжитесь со мной по любым вопросам OKISEN@YAHOO. COM.
Im Moment haben wir rund 200 decares (200,000 kvm oder 20 Hektar) der landwirtschaftlich genutzten Flächen in Bulgarien zum Verkauf angeboten.
Der Preis beträgt 190 Euro pro 1000 kvm (1900 Euro pro Hektar )
Diese bulgarisch Ackerland befindet sich in einem Bereich von Antonovo, Targovishte, das ist eine 2 Stunden Fahrt von Varna und in der Nähe von Veliko Tarnovo. Die Gegend ist wunderschön mit grünen Hügeln, Wiesen und mehrere kleine Flüsse. Die Strom-und Wasserversorgung ist nah an den Boden, als das Land umgibt ein ruhiges Dorf.
Kleinere Grundstücke erworben werden können. Sie sind perfekt für Öko-Tourismus oder für die landwirtschaftliche Nutzung, oder als eine gute langfristige Investition bulgarisch Land.
Investitionen in landwirtschaftliche Flächen in Bulgarien ist einer der sichersten und lukrative Investitionen in das bestehende Markt, weil die Preise in Bulgarien sind rund 1/6th nach 1:10 der Preise für die Qualität landwirtschaftlicher Flächen in Nordeuropa. Mit dem aktuellen Kurs Explosion von Nutzpflanzen wie Weizen, Roggen und Mais, dann bulgarischen landwirtschaftlichen Nutzflächen ist eine sichere Investition, vor allem als Bulgarien in die EU wird dazu führen, Agrarsubventionen von der EU in den kommenden Jahren. Darüber hinaus ist die Qualität des Bodens in Bulgarien ist sehr hoch.
Bitte kontaktieren Sie mich in OKISEN@YAHOO. COM bei allen Fragen.
I øjeblikket har vi omkring 200 decares (200,000 kvm eller 20 hektarer) af landbrugsjord i Bulgarien til salg.
Prisen er 190 euro pr 1000 kvm (ca 15000 kr pr hektar)
Denne bulgarske landbrugsjord er beliggende i et område ved Antonovo, Targovishte, som er en 2 timers kørsel fra Varna og tæt på Veliko Tarnovo. Området er smukt med grønne bakker, enge og flere små floder. Elektricitet og vandforsyning er tæt på jordstykkerne, da de ligger rundt om en lille fredelig landsby.
Mindre grunde kan købes. De er perfekte til øko-turisme eller for landbrugs brug, eller som en god langsigtet bulgarsk jord investering..
Investeringer i landbrugsjord i Bulgarien er et af de sikreste og lukrative investeringer i det nuværende marked, fordi priserne i Bulgarien er ca 1/6th til 1/10th af priser for kvalitets landbrugsjord i det nordlige Europa. Med den nuværende pris eksplosion af afgrøder som hvede, rug og majs, så er bulgarsk landbrugsjord er meget sikker investering, især fordi et Bulgarien i EU vil resultere i landbrugsstøtte fra EU i de kommende år. Desuden er kvaliteten af jorden i Bulgarien er meget høj.
Venligst kontakt mig på OKISEN@YAHOO. COM med eventuelle spørgsmål.
Teren agricol pentru investi?ii în Bulgaria (Targovishte / Veliko Tarnovo). Landbouwgrond voor investeringen in Bulgarije (Targovishte / Veliko Tarnovo). Las tierras agrícolas para la inversión en Bulgaria (Targovishte / Veliko Tarnovo). Terreni agricoli per gli investimenti in Bulgaria (Targovishte / Veliko Tarnovo). Landwirtschaftlicher Flächen für Investitionen in Bulgarien (Targovishte / Veliko Tarnovo). Landbrugsjord til investering i Bulgarien (Targovishte / Veliko Tarnovo). Les terres agricoles pour les investissements en Bulgarie (Targovishte / Veliko Tarnovo). Η γεωργικ? γη για επενδ?σεις στη Βουλγαρ?α (Targovishte / Veliko Tarnovo).
Here are some photos taken from the land: